April 2025
Saturday 5th Who: Luton Choral Society
Where: St Mary´s Church, Church Street, Luton, LU1 3JF 7.30pm
What: Victoria - Requiem 1605; Lotti - Crucifixus; Allegri - Miserere
Ticket/Info: £15, £12 concession, £5 Children.  Visit www.lutonchoralsociety.org.uk
Saturday 5th Who: Treorchy Male Choir
Where: St Andrews, Chippenham SN15 3JN 7.00pm
What: In Concert
Ticket/Info: £25. Tel 01249 891159 or 01249 652075
Saturday 5th

Who: Ipswich Chamber Choir with Amici Voices
Where: Snape Maltings IP17 1SP 6.00pm
What: J S Bach - St Matthew Passion
Ticket/Info: Visit https://www.brittenpearsarts.org/book/instance/800201

Saturday 5th Who: Havering Singers
Where: St Peter´'s Church, Gubbins Lane, Harold Wood 7.30pm
What: Mozart - Requiem; Mozart - Solemn Vespers.In Concert
Ticket/Info: £15 on the door or via the website www.haveringsingers.org.uk
Saturday 5th

Who: Newbury Chamber Choir
Where: Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton RG7 5TQ 7.30pm
What: Stainer - Crucifixion - and other music for Lent
Ticket/Info: £15, under 18s free, online at www.newburychamberchoir.org or on the door

Saturday 5th

Who: Impromptu
Where: Christchurch, Christchurch Park, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5TN 7 30pm
What: Pergolesi - Stabat Mater - and a selection of Competition and lighter Repertoire to follow
Ticket/Info: £15 on the door (Adults),  £5 (Under 16s) or via the website www.impromptu.org.uk

Saturday 5th Who: West London Chorus
Where: St Michael and All Angels, Chiswick, W4 1TT 7.30pm
What: Rossini - Petite Messe Solennelle
Ticket/Info: Visit https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/westlondonchorus/t-vvgxlda
Saturday 5th Who: Frodsham & District Choral Society
Where: St Laurence´s Church, Frodsham WA6 6AD 4.00pm
What: Mozart - Requiem; Handel - Chandos Anthem 9
Ticket/Info: £15 Tel 07974 698 433 or 07376 653 888
Sunday 6th Who: Northern Praeclassica
Where: St Mary´s Church, North Road, Ponteland NE20 9UH 5.30pm
What: O Radiant Dawn, choral concert of contemporary sacred music by Macmillan, Gjeilo, Lauridsen, Tavener and others
Ticket/Info: £12 / www.northernpraeclassica.org.uk
Sunday 6th Who: Milton Keynes Chorale
Where: Christ the Cornerstone, Saxon Gate, Milton Keynes, MK9 2ES 6.00pm
What: Sacred, Symphonic and Profane featuring Orff Carmina Burana and works by Dyson and Berstein
Ticket/Info: £20, u25 £10, Early Bird discount £17, u25 £8.50, available from https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/mkchorale
Saturday 12th Who: Collegium Laureatum
Where: West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge 7.30pm
What: Mozart - Requiem K626; Mozart - Vesperae Solennes de Confessore K339
Ticket/Info TBC
Saturday 12th Who: Hardynge Choir
Where: St Nicholas Church, Church Green, Harpenden AL5 2TP 7.30pm
What: Handel - Messiah
Ticket/Info: Unreserved £18; Students £9; Under 16 Free. Book online: https://hardynge.makingmusicplatform.com/dbpage.php?pg=book&id=186133. Email: tickets@hardyngechoir.org. Phone: 0845 475 1664
Saturday 12th

Who: Grange Choral Society
Where: Christchurch Priory, Quay Road, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 1BU 7.30pm
What: Ralph Vaughan Williams – A Sea Symphony, Five Mystical Songs; Edward Elgar - Give Unto the Lord
Ticket/Info: From https://www.christchurchpriory.org/services-and-events

Saturday 12th Who: Carmarthen Male Voice Choir
Where: Christ Church, Lammas St, Carmarthen, Wales
What: Concert
Ticket/Info Visit https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=1030505789117353&set=a.462205892614015
Saturday 12th Who: Portishead Choral Society
Where: Gordano School. St Mary's Road, Portishead BS20 7QE 7.30pm
What: Mozart - Vesperae Solennes de Confessore K339; Beethoven - Mass in C
Ticket/Info £15 (£5 for under 18s) on the door or via www.portisheadchoral.co.uk/contact
Saturday 12th Who: Rowell Camerata with Ratby Co-Operative Brass Band
Where: Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Rothwell, Northants NN14 6BQ 7.30pm
What: Brass and Voices - a combined concert of choral and instrumental music
Ticket/Info £15 For tickets and further info please visit www.rowellcamerata.com
Tuesday 15th Who: The Purcell Singers
Where: Sinfonia Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HA 9.00pm
What: A Lenten programme of elevating choral music by candlelight, drawing inspiration from the masters of 17th century polyphony, featuring Allegri’s Miserere
Ticket/Info £23/£15 (plus booking fee) Visit https://www.sinfoniasmithsq.org.uk/event/miserere-by-candlelight/
Saturday 26th Who: Whitehall Choir and Constanza Chorus
Where: Cadogan Hal, 5 Sloane Terrace, London SW1X 9DQ 7.30pm
What: Baroque Splendour – J.S. Bach, Handel, Vivaldi and Isabella Leonarda
Ticket/Info: £15, £21, £27 and £35. https://cadoganhall.com/whats-on/baroque-splendour/book/1028234/